I turned 31 last month and to celebrate the hubby and I threw a board game/taco bar bash. We had somewhere around 20 people show up and I had a lovely time. We ate, we chatted, I introduced friends to other friends, and we board gamed. The cats were not thrilled with the crowd, but they did hang out on the stairs and even came down once the crowd started thinning out.
It was a great way to kick off another year. ^_^ The gorgeous dragons you see in the collage are bookends and they were a gift from my husband. They are stunning. I need to decide where to put them (in a bookshelf in the rec room? in my craft room?), but for now I love just seeing them. They are cast in the US, based off sculptures made by an artist.
The avocados in the bottom row were my mother's contribution to our celebration--real California avocados! ^_^
Happy birthday!