My poor camera has been well loved and much abused. Around Christmas, the power button starting having weird on/off stickiness. A few months ago, the lens starting wanting to stay extended when powering down. But the final straw was a couple weeks ago when attempting to power the camera up resulted in a truly spectacular performance of the "lens in, lens out" dance but not a working camera.
I had been researching cameras for awhile and thought I had settled on one, but my husband convinced me to take a look at the Canon Powershot S100. Ya'll, it's amazing. Excellent low light shots (like for food in restaurants ). An exceptionally good Auto mode, plus full manual controls. 5X zoom. The option to shoot in RAW. It's practically a DSLR that fits in a purse.
I'm in love.

To test out the new camera, the hubby and I took a walk at dusk to visit our local cows. Let me reiterate. These photos, right here, in this post, were taken at dusk. And I did not edit them one iota. Dusk!
To give you an idea of the light levels, this was taken on our way to see the cows.

As it kept getting darker, I kept snapping away.

See the moon?

A low light winner for sure. *swoon*
Don't even get me started on how lovely and sharp the photos are. See?

*double swoon*
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