When last I updated I was eager to start the embroidery. Well start I have, finished I have not. Embroidery is lovely and relaxing. I can easily turn on some TED talks and lose myself in the stitching for hours on end. Which doesn't change the fact that when I stir out of a multi-hour sewing marathon...much more time has passed than my stitches seem to account for.
In other words, it's slow going but thoroughly enjoyable. I'm loving the results so far. Once I get all the half square triangles complete, then I will move on the the remaining squares which are satin stitched into quatrafoils. (Those are the truly time consuming blocks. Yikes!)
You can see the planned colors for the quatrafoils laid out here.

The next set of lessons have already begun and I am thrilled that I had the foresight to pay the extra for the .pdf of the projects at the end of the class. There are so many cool things I want to do that I haven't even started yet because I have been focused on the quilt.
However, I did find time to finish my needlebook!
The front:

The interior:

This weekend, I'll be stitching with some friends and in addition to all of tomorrow's cooking, I'm hoping to get a bit of stitching in.
With any luck, I will be back on track in two more weeks, when the next set of lessons starts!
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