Last week's bundle of tastiness included blackberries, corn, (more) squash, potatoes, a green bell pepper, carrots, cucumber, the first of the tomatoes and egg plant.
We put the green bell pepper and tomatoes on a pizza. The squash will likely become soup (we have a LOT of squash), the eggplant went to my friend. The cucumber went into what was supposed to be cucumber soup and turned out to be not quite cucumber soup, not quite guacamole (more on that later). Blackberries are prepped for jam. Corn will be eaten tomorrow with burgers. Carrots and potatoes will find a happy home in one dish or another. Perhaps we will do grilled potatoes with our burgers and corn tomorrow...
Since tomorrow is a holiday here in the States, we will be celebrating by spending the day making jam. We have peaches, strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries awaiting jamification and we picked up pectin and more sugar tonight. We will also pressure can the vegetable stock I made over the weekend and let another batch simmer away while we cook. This will result in a massive clean out of the freezer and a great stocking of the pantry. Huzzah!
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