
Friday, May 18, 2012

CSA--Week 1

2012 CSA--Week 1

It seems like every year I start this series of posts and every year I peter out somewhere along the way. Ah, well, try try and try again, eh?

This week was our first pick up for our CSA. We have an abundance of strawberries because in addition to our usual Mini Shares, we also signed up for a Fruit Lover's Share. We have BIG plans for jams this year. ^_^

Most of these you probably recognize. The crazy bulb looking things (which I think look like the pigs from Angry Birds...) are kohlrabi which have a very neutral flavor and go well in salads, stir-fries and (according to our latest CSA newsletter) a hashbrown style dish.

We used carrots, broccoli, and onion that first night. We grilled them, together with some bell peppers and sausage and served them over jasmine rice. Nom.

We have the two larger boxes of strawberries cleaned and in the freezer in prep for making jam later. The smaller box we will eat as is. The Chinese cabbage, carrots, broccoli, kohlrabi, and green onions will make a tasty stir fry and we will probably prep several bags of "ready to go" stir fry veggies for stir fries later in the year. The beets are great on salads, and we may try pickling some. We may also try out those kohlrabi patties with omelets and do a "breakfast for dinner" meal. Radishes will go in the salads and...I dunno what else.

Any must try recipes with any of these?


  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I love kohlrabi... I eat them raw with a little salt or with some cream cheese on bread.
    (But I've had them cooked or hasbrown like before)

  2. I love pickled beets, but I put up a lot plain. If you haven't, look up 'harvard beets' for a sweet/sour thing or try them 'deviled' with honey, butter, worshceshire, yellow mustard and paprika. Super easy to warm them in those sauces after canning them plain.
    My dad has a sweet tooth for brown sugar/butter on carrots. I like chinese cabbage raw with 'asian style' dressing.. Can't wait for mine to firm up just a bit more.

  3. I can't wait for my CSA to start this year (June 11th!) - Unfortunately due to the warm snap followed by a snow in April, a lot of the local strawberries were destroyed while in bloom and won't produce this year. :(

  4. Sunneschii--I hadn't thought to eat kohlrabi plain, we'll have to try that!

    Shannon--Thanks for the tips. Sweet and sour beets sound intriguing! We roasted beets the other night and about died of deliciousness. Mmmm. We may not have any left *to* put up. ; ) What is in 'asian style' dressing?

    Amanda--Our strawberries were greatly confused by the weather this year. Not totally wiped out, but really stunted, I'm not sure how long they will hang in there. I'm sorry to hear the snow wiped out your berries entirely!
