
Sunday, January 01, 2012

2011 In Review

Four Plus an Angel is hosting a year-in-review link up. I love looking back and seeing where the year has been so here is my 2011, mostly in pictures.

We had snow. A lot of snow. And temperatures that stayed at or below 20 degrees F all month. Brrrrr.

Snowmaggedon 2011

The hubby and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary and 9 years together. Still crazy in love. ♥

Five Years Married

We celebrated Pi Day and cleaned out and repaired our gutters. I began studying for my PE exam.

My View

Spring came and so did a week without power courtesy of some epic tornadoes.

The Great Tornadoes of 2011

I completed Project Awesome for my mom's 60th birthday, we started our second CSA, and received some furniture from my Grandmother. We broke out the China for a visit from friends and attended a jazz concert (conclusion: not my thing).

April and I

The hubby caught a mouse bare-handed, we made pickles, and I turned 29.
Homemade Pickles!

We attended the wedding of some friends and made jam. (By now, pretty much all my free time is going into studying.)

Jordan and Makara's Wedding!

Our custom painting arrives and we take a family vacation with my parents and brother.

Day 7

We surprise the hubby with a birthday cake at a party he organized. : )

Surprise Birthday!

We fly out to Arizona to watch the hubby's cousin get married. I study on both plane flights and during down time between family events. I finally take the PE exam.

Rob and Katie and Debbie and I

We find a scorpion in our kitchen. I leave to spend a week with friends and family in California. I eat lots of fabulous food, laugh myself silly, and ride with my brother on his motorcycle over the bridge into San Francisco. Back at home, the hubby and I have a wonderful Thanksgiving and rake a million leaves.

My Baby Brother

We finish the leaf raking, gear up for the holiday, and discover Lake Christmas Tree. I hear back from the board and we do our annual holiday baking. We spend the holidays at home, hanging out with friends, cooking, and watching Breaking Bad. I finally finish the applique for my mom's quilt and read.

Holiday Baking 2012 Edition

1 comment:

  1. What a busy year, loved walking through it with you. So glad that you linked up. And now I want pickles :).
