Day two of my trip began with sunlight filtering through the windows of my hostess's living room. We got off to a leisurely start, but by 10 am we had all assembled for a day of crafts and food.

I had brought pumpkin bread and my friend made us all eggs, bacon, and coffee cake.

After breakfast, we settled in with our respective crafts. There was knitting and reading.

Followed by winding.

And rug making.

The cats kept us company.

While our hostess outdid herself by making roasted chicken, potatoes, and green beans, in between sorting through pictures.

I continued work on the applique project that might never end

Later that day another old friend joined us and we went to Fentons for ice cream. You could call it dinner I suppose, but we all knew what we were there for. : )

There was a lot of sugar, talking, and laughing until our sides hurt. How I miss these girls.

After our
To be continued...
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