Here in the states, today is Thanksgiving. For the husband and I, this is a day to ensconce ourselves in the kitchen, make ridiculous amounts of food, feed the cats (a very tiny bit of) turkey, listen to music, call family, and use the fancy china.
I can safety say check, check, and check to all of the above items. We even had quite a bit of downtime in the kitchen this year (what a concept!).
As I've done in the past, I'd like to take a minute to talk about the things I'm grateful for.
- For the recharging and renewal provided by a long vacation
- For my maturing understanding of myself
- For my amazing husband, my partner in crime
- For internet communities which broaden my worldview and teach me new pespectives
- For our cuddly, warm, social cats
- For hobbies and the time and means to enjoy them
- For a job which allows me to continually grow, learn, and challenge myself
- For an adult relationship with my brother
- For friendships with intelligent, diverse women who both teach and understand
I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! That looks yummy. Is it pull apart bread of some sort? And thank you for your input on my color quandry! - KJ