
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Simply Joy Sunday # 61

Things that made me happy this week.

1. Cooking with my husband, mom, and brother as part of a family vacation.

Day 3

2. Hanging out with my brother on same said vacation, talking about his educational plans.

Day 5

3. Spending time listening to the lake.

Day 5

4. Playing lots and lots of Rummykub

Day 3

5. The awesome light display at the Denver airport.

Day 8

6. Seeing "work" shoes in a new light and wearing them with a casual outfit.



  1. Nice! And lookin' so chic and stylish too!

  2. I love listening to water to, and wow Denver airport looks great,

  3. Thanks Carol! : )

    Janice--I'm not even a big water person and it was the most relaxing thing ever! That picture was taken in a tunnel which connects two terminals. They had coordinated music going as well. Public art for the win!
