1. Our painting arrived! It's amazing. I'm over the moon. And as soon as I can scrape together a few more minutes, it's going to have it's own post.

2. The hubby caulked in a gap in the floor over by our bedroom. He's been talking about this since we moved in and now it's done! And he's right, it looks a million times better.

3. When we moved into the house (*cough*overtwoyearsago*cough*) there were a ton of chemicals. Everywhere. But, as you might expect the garage was particularly bad. Paint. Pesticides. More paint. Bondo. Ugh. Last fall, we finally sorted though them and made a pile to take in on the next Household Hazardous Waste drop off day. Yea, that took a while. This weekend though, we finally did it! Goodbye useless clutter!

4. The hubby and I have a tradition of Friday night date nights where we go out to dinner and decompress from the week. It's one of my favorite rituals. This week, we closed out our dinner with the most fabulous coconut cake ever. Heaven on a plate.

5. I've taken to doing my weekend studying in the sunroom, soaking up summer without boiling to death. The cats think this is brilliant and love to keep me company, Jack even spent a good hour curled up on my lap yesterday. Bliss.

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