
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Simply Joy Sunday # 58

Things that made me happy this week

1. Some friends got married this weekend. Not only were they adorable, but their wedding made me all gushy about my own honey. : )

Jordan and Makara's Wedding!

2. At said wedding, I was introduced to some of my hubby's friends for the first time, as well as their wives. Seriously sweet people. : )

Jordan and Makara's Wedding!

3. The hubby and I practiced our yearly fourth of july tradition of going to the movies.

Our 4th of July Tradition

4. I went jean shopping and found a pair that fit! Huzzah!

July 9, 2011

5. I was also finally able to come up with an outfit where I could wear a necklace that my mother in law gave to me years ago. : ) See, isn't it pretty?

July 9, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:08 AM

    I didn't realize there was a movietheater behind the stripmall on Carl T. Jones Dr. Then again, when I lived in that area (2001-2005) they had only started building it and they've added quite a bit since :) (gotte love googlemaps :))
