The hubby and I hosted an UnSuperBowl party for all the football avoiding fans among our friends. We made lots (and lots and lots) of tasty food for our company, so I'll be getting these recipes up in the next couple of weeks. : )
Deviled eggs are something I've come to love as an adult that I hated as a kid, so I figured it was time I tried my hand at them. Plus they were a dish that I could make ahead which would require no use of the stove or oven the day of the party! Hurrah! I used this recipe as my starting point.
Makes: 24 deviled eggs
1 dozen large eggs
4 tbsp low fat mayonnaise
2 tsp sugar
2 tsp white vinegar
2 tsp spicy brown mustard
1/2 tsp salt
paprika for garnish
FILL a large pot with water
PLACE the eggs into the pot, arranging them so that they all rest on the bottom
BRING the pot to a boil
REMOVE from heat
LET STAND for 15-18 minutes
REMOVE eggs from water
RUN under cold water to cool
PEEL eggs, being careful not to split or tear the eggs
SLICE eggs in half
REMOVE yolks
MASH yolks in a medium bowl
ADD mayonnaise, sugar, vinegar, mustard, and salt
MIX until well blended
SPOON mixture back into the egg whites
SPRINKLE with paprkia just before serving
My Thoughts
1. I have always had issues hard boiling eggs, this explains why! You don't actively boil them. They should be called "Sat in hot water eggs" instead. I had no problems with any of my eggs being under cooked.
2. I actually started with 15 eggs. That made up for the ones I broke while peeling. : ( And I had an extra for snacks. : )
3. These were really tasty and super easy. You could hard boil the eggs a couple of days in advance to spread out the party prep even more.
4. I have read that if you lay the eggs on their side for a day or two before boiling them, that the yolk will center up and you will have "perfect" deviled eggs. I didn't have enough fridge space to be laying a dozen eggs on their side, nor was I really too overly concerned with how centered the yolks were. Should you have the desire to go all Martha Stewart at your next gathering though, you are now armed.
They were delicious! And the best part about making deviled eggs: You get to use your awesome deviled egg platter.