
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Twelve Days of Ornaments--Day Four


To get the full scoop on my family's traditions surrounding ornaments, see Day One

It seems that most people I know who "do" holiday decorations pick a theme--stars, santa claus, angels, etc. For me? It's snowmen. They are so cute! And so when the S'Mores ornaments came out awhile back, it was love at first sight. My mom got really into getting them for me and one year, after Halloween, bought me a full set of Halloween themed s'more ornaments. The mummy and ghost we left off the tree this year, but the vampire is always welcome. You see, I LOVED vampires as a kid. I was a vampire every Halloween for 3 or 4 years until my mom made me pick something else. And this little guy reminds me of all the fun I had with capes and fangs. : )

1 comment:

  1. My Mom got my brother one of these marshmallow ones. They are adorable. :)
