I hope all of you in the US had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. The hubby and I slept in, putzed around on the computers, and finally got to cooking around noon thirty. Six hours and several sinkfuls of dishes later we had a table full of food and two very annoyed cats. (How dare we spend all day downstairs, what were we doing?) This was our first year making everything for scratch and with the exception of the botched gravy (turns out if you get distracted and burn your roux, even slightly, there is no saving it) everything was delicious.
And so, I'll take a moment today to be grateful.
- For my husband, who is endlessly supportive, amazingly intelligent, and knows just how to make me laugh
- For our kitties who are happiest when we spend all day at home cuddling
- For our family and friends in California, who stay in touch even though we are now far away
- For the local friends were are making
- For all my online friends (including all of you!) who inform, educate, entertain, and commiserate with me
- For a job which continually challenges me, allowing me to grow in my field
- For a beautiful home in a city small enough to still touch nature
- For creative outlets and the time and ability to pursue them
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