This is a picture of the solution.
The problem? Runaway magazines. My husband and I subscribe to several magazines, including Time, which is a weekly. And, most often, we read them at the island while we eat breakfast (or, in the hubby's case, sometimes lunch). Which means, in very short order, the island gets taken over by magazines left over to whatever article we were in the middle of when we had to leave.
This drives me nuts.
I started trying to think of how we could corral them effectively. Magazine rack off the side of the island? Too inconvenient. Pile them up? Never would stay that way. And then I hit upon the idea of a box! Only...I didn't really want to spend the money on one.
Which is why, when rummaging through the pantry, I had an epiphany. You see, when we moved in we bought a set of 3 baskets and used one to hold snacks. My mom, who was helping us unpack, used the two smaller ones to hold napkin rings and candles for storage. I promptly dumped the candles out of the basket and back into the cabinet and did a little rearranging.
Viola! The magazines have a home

The snacks have a new, smaller, home, better suited to our new eating habits which involve very few prepackaged snacks.

And the counter? Gloriously magazine free because I can toss them in anytime they start to get irritating. Hoorah!
Fabulous! I love it when something so simple can make such a big change. It seems you can contain almost anything in a basket or box of some kind!