I like pillows. Aside from the obvious use of bopping the hubby with, they are also great for hosting lounging cats and offering proper lumbar support while reading. When we picked out our bedding set we ended up with a very boring beige set. Because boring is better than the outdated and appalling alternatives. That didn't stop me from looking for some color and a couple of years ago I picked up a lovely sea green meets turquoise meets subtle damask duvet cover on a Black Friday deal. And last year for my birthday, I asked for (and received) that shams which matched the inverted color scheme--mostly being a very pale green. The smaller pillows in the set are ugly beyond words so I passed on those and instead picked up a beautiful turquoise fabric when we were looking at couch fabric. (You've seen it before, it's what I used to recover the small bench in our bathroom.) I spent some time with these last summer, getting two of the pillows to the point of just needing to be closed and the third to just needing the boxing strips added. And then it sat. And sat. And sat.
Until this weekend! I finally finished all three pillows and had just enough fabric left to eek out some edging for the larger pillow shams. I love it. It's clean, sleek, pulled together and colorful. And best of all? It's done! : )
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