Last week slipped right by me, so today's post shows our CSA box from last week as well as this week.
First up, last week:

Cucumbers, green onions, lettuce, cauliflower and beets (shown in the main box).

More zucchini and cabbage and our first peas.
We made a good go of things last week, eating what we could and freezing the rest. Cauliflower, peas, and cabbage are great stir fry ingredients and we have bought cauliflower and peas frozen before, so we are hoping that our attempt at freezing them will be successful!
This week's box is overflowing with goodies:

More zucchini and cabbage.

A different variety of cucumber, beets, a large onion, and green beans!

Lettuce, squash, a green bell pepper, and a bonus item--one dozen farm fresh eggs! They are now offering them as an add on, so they gave everyone a free dozen this week to try to drum up orders. We haven't tried them yet, but I am curious to see if we can tell a difference.
I'm really impressed with the wide variety of items that we are getting. Our farm contracts with other local farms in the area, so I'm sure that is part of how they are able to provide so many different things. I often find myself wishing that we would get more of the same things a couple of weeks in a row. (Like that kohlrabi!) Not so much with the cabbage though. There are only so many things you can do with it and one head of a cabbage a week for over a month with just the two of us? That's a bit much. But I'm not feeling overdosed on anything else and am eagerly anticipating the coming corn, tomatoes, blackberries, and blueberries!
I am so jealous! We don't have those kind of boxes in this area.