
Sunday, May 30, 2010

CSA--Week 3

CSA--Week 3

We did fairly well with our share last week, although we still have quite a bit of cabbage leftover and apparently failed on the turnips. We didn't use them in time and they now feel squishy so I think they need a new home in the trash. : /

This week's haul is quite tasty. Fresh strawberries, more cabbage, and beets! I've only ever eaten beets from a can, never fresh, so I'm excited about these.

CSA--Week 3

Also, broccoli, purple onions, green and purple Swiss chard, and zucchini. Lots of good things for steaming and grilling. I'm also hoping to find a good recipe for fried zucchini, an indulgence I fell in love with as a child but have never made at home.

1 comment:

  1. You'll love the fresh beets! They're so sweet.
