
Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 235/365--Big Screen

My daily contribution to my year long "Around the House" photo project. 365 photos. Blogged here.

235/365 Big Screen

Last weekend the hubby and I took a deep breath and plunked down our hard earned cash for a rather ridiculous TV. We currently have a secondhand 19" CRT. And we've been counting the days until we could upgrade to something bigger, flatter, and with 100% more HDMI inputs (for streaming anime!). Despite scheduling a delivery for next Wednesday (the earliest option available) the delivery guys showed up today! And so, we have a very glorious TV-in-a-box until next weekend when the installers will be out to work their magic. Only one more week until we can watch movies on our very own big screen!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:53 AM

    We bought one of its smaller brothers yesterday....
