
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Simply Joy Sunday # 37

The things that made me happy this week. Check out Cool Zebras for other's joys.

I was going to skip this week, since I don't have my new laptop yet and thus, am not able to upload photos. However, there was so much good stuff this week, it just didn't seem right! I'll come back and add photos next weekend, once I have my laptop!

1. The gloriously energizing sunshine. After months of gray gloom and doom, I was loving just basking in the light.

2. Celebrating four years of marriage with my hubby. We had a fabulous dinner out and took in a magic show. I think I'll keep him. ; )

3. Numbers 1 and 2 together meant I got to wear a pretty new dress and awesome red heels!

4. The hilarious anniversary card from my honey. ^_^

5. Going on a cleaning spree around the house! Laundry! Dishes! The pantry! Nothing was safe. ^_^

6. Uploading some of our old wedding photos to Flickr (found the cd) and waxing nostalgic.


  1. Wonderful! Happy anniversary. Sunshine is definitely a joy for me this time of year.
