It's been an on-again-off-again project since. I've checked out various design-your-own-site programs and even found a pretty good tutorial that showed me that it wasn't such a big leap from the little bit of html I use to blog to the coding required for a site. But it's not something I've ever implemented, and since closing down my shops over the summer, my design and layout idea is out of date and a central page is much less necessary.
Prodded by my domain renewal notices from my domain provider and an interesting conversation at the Beer and Blog meeting on Tuesday (more on that later), I finally spent the time tonight to assign one of my domains to the blog. I am happy to report that my site is now located at . Any previous links should be redirected automatically, but if you run into any issues, let me know.
(Jack and Abby would like it noted that they helped.)

Your cats are so cute...I remember their kitten photos. =)