Despite a deep love for music, I am not a concert junkie. They are too loud. Run too late. Have too many people, too much booze and smoke. Just not my style. I like to hear my music--not the fans--so audiophiles can say what they like about how CD production desecrates music, I still prefer my CD player and a sunny afternoon to your typical concert.
Every so often though, I get a wild hair. I will hear that someone I adore is coming to town and decide that we must go. And so it was in early 2005 when the not-yet-the-hubby and a good friend of ours loaded up to go see Bowling for Soup in Sacramento. It was a small club, a late show, and an odd crowd. Bowling for Soup's 1985 was wildly popular on the radio stations just then so there were mothers with their young (~10 or so) children in addition to the more expected college kid crowd. There were several opening acts, and with each one the schedule slipped more. Bowling for Soup was deliberately holding out on playing the song, since they knew it was getting late and people would leave. Several of the mothers eventually gave up and took their exhausted, disappointed kids home.
The live show was fun, but Bowling for Soup was raunchier than I expected given their music (and the fact that there were kids in the crowd). Instead, I was won over completely by American Hi Fi who was one of the opening acts. We picked up their new cd, when it came out a few months later, mostly (in my book) for the single The Geeks Get the Girls and their gentlemanly manners.
After the show, we stuck around to have them sign a poster they were handing out. While talking to them, the guys were quite taken with my husband's Strongbad hoodie, even calling over another guy to come look at it. It was a genuine moment of humanity from the famous. The kind of connection that makes you want to hang out and get to know them better.
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