The shelves in the rec room are about half filled with knicknaks now. All of them found carefully tucked away in various boxes during our dash to prep the house for the open house. While their exact homes are still a bit up in the air, these are things that will definitely stay out and on display. They are too full of memories to keep locked away. The little snowgirl here I bought at Joannes, long before I ever found Etsy. She was too sweet to resist. The shelf sitter came later, another sweet thing I simply had to have, but this time from Etsy. Phases of life, sharing space.
I love how everything in our home has a story. I could do a Flashback Friday post every week for a year on just little things around the house. And I would still feel like I had only scratched the surface. I think that's one of the amazing things about houses, the narratives they tell.
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