
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Beer and Blog Huntsville

A few months ago, I heard about some people trying to set up a Beer and Blog chapter here in Huntsville. The premise is simple, one a week you meet up with other bloggers. You talk. You eat. Some drink beer. It sounded like grand fun but I never heard anything more and thought it hadn't gotten off the ground. Then, in early November, I heard that they were meeting--and had been for several weeks! I made plans to attend the next meeting and promptly crashed my car leaving me with no way to get there without stranding the hubby.

BnB Huntsville

Finally, last week, with the car safely back from the shop, I was able to attend. And had a great time! I've had a tough time finding my "crowd" in Huntsville. Lots of really nice individuals, but the groups I've tried to get involved with socially just sort of fizzled. I may just have found them though in the B&B bunch. People to talk blogs with. And social networking. And news. And pop culture. And geek culture. People that span ages and professions but share at least one thing in common: they make others feel welcome. Naturally, I went back this week. And I met even more people and had a blast. ^_^

Beer and Blog Logo

If you are in the area, join us! Meetings are every Tuesday from 5ish to 7ish at the West End Grill on Old Pike road. If you aren't local, check out Beer and Blog to find a chapter near you.

My thanks to Andrew for nabbing the shot above at tonight's meeting!

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