When my husband and I were newly engaged, we took a trip out to Arizona to visit his grandmother, aunt, and cousin. His aunt, an amazing florist, had volunteered to do all the flowers for our wedding (which was in Los Angeles, she is a saint) and wanted us to pick out what we wanted. While we were there, she gave me a sample bouquet to "practice" with. When we got home, I dried the roses and put them in a simple wall vase I'd picked up previously. (Probably from a thrift shop in college). When we moved to Alabama, the roses stayed safely packed away to prevent kitty destruction.
While unpacking the house, I came across both the roses and the wall vase, and today, in the craft room, inspiration struck! The perfect, nearly kitty-proof home for my beloved flowers--among the art!
Lovely, and they match your color scheme there! You are such an awesome decorator, I envy your skillz. :)