
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Simple Joy Sunday # 4

1. Spending two whole days with my husband--without the internet, TV, work, or any other outside interruptions.

Three Years

2. Getting back in the "happy groove" after an introspective day at work.

3. Taking pictures of the cats and each other that make us laugh.


4. Hearing from an old friend.

5. Homemade onion rings.

Golden Rings

Read other simple joys from this week over at Cool Zebras. Join us by posting your own and linking up!


  1. I love the photo of the 2 of you. What a great shot!

    Will get you linked up!

  2. The kitty photo is killer - love it! Glad you enjoyed your Sunday - the simple things really ARE the best!

  3. What a lovely idea it is to remember the things that make you happy like this! I may have to give it a go.

  4. Okay, I stole your idea and posted my first Simple Joy Sunday. =)
