
Sunday, February 08, 2009

Simple Joy Sunday # 2

This week's computer access has been...spotty. Despite the hubby's best efforts the monitor is back up to it's old tricks of not displaying anything unless you have some sort of magic touch. (I do not).

Just the same though, it's been a good week.

1. Walking to the store with the hubby and then making (and eating!) a delicious dinner.

Dinner Whirl

2. We have Dove dark chocolate in the house. ^_^

3. The satisfaction of carrying several large bags of trash to the trash can. Not only is it out of my house, there is something very rewarding about hefting my own heavy stuff.


Head over to Cool Zebras to read other blogger's Simple Joys for this week.


  1. That first photo made me hungry!

  2. you had me sold when you mentioned dark chocolate - LOL! isn't it nice to count the little things - life does have its little rewards :)

  3. Mmmm, dinner looks fabulous! Dark chocolate... my favorite!
