After a near month of *insanity*, it is
almost over. My parent's visit from CA this weekend, is the end of a very busy four weeks or so in the Dragon household (including the DEATH of my computer, who with a power supply transplant is recovering nicely). Over the next few days as I breathe, recover, and try desperately to get the house cleaned before the guests arrive, I'm going to share some of the last few weeks with you in photo form. These are in no particular order, as I am still trying to get photos uploaded to Flickr period, but generally speaking, they will get more recent as we go. Ready? Good. ^_^
Remember those chairs we ordered? They arrived! And they match our table beautifully!

And we made delicious sugar cookies for my birthday! The icing looks weird because I frosted these with cold frosting from the fridge, but they were still every bit as delicious! ^_^

On my business trip, my hotel pillows were labeled. I love little details like that. ^_^
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