Sunday, March 09, 2008

I Love the Sound of Big Numbers

Today I woke up to a very pleasant surprise in my shop--Golth, a dragonling of caffeine had sold overnight. Not only was I a bit taken aback because I had just listed him last night, but he was the 100th listing I've sold!

Now the sales tally doesn't track exactly with items sold--some listings are for multiple items and some things were traded and not sold. But it makes my heart happy to see that little 100 on my shop page. Somehow 100 seems more established, more serious, more buisness-y.

And just in case anyone still needs their caffeine fix, Driac, a dragonling of Pepsi (my caffeination device of choice) went into the shop today.


  1. Congrats on hitting the 100 mark! That's so cool!

  2. Congrats on 100 Mrs. Dragon! :)

    all your little guys are soop cute!

  3. (I found your blog through Copperheart) Congrats on your 100 item!! I wish we have that many sold...sold more in "real" life than internet sales, but would love to see those numbers go up too! :)


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