Luckily for me, I have a very patient and understand husband who just smiles when I find my latest "I have to have this!" supply. Even if he doesn't get it. So a few months ago, when we were at Target and I found their metal letters on clearance (70% off, how can you resist that?!) he just sort of shook his head as I explained that it wasn't a question of if I was getting a set, it was just a matter of which set.
When we got home, I was delighted to discover that the letters were packaged in a very sturdy, dual level, matteboard (?) box.

In that instant something very rare happened. I knew exactly what needed to be done. That box needed to be decoupaged in a rainbow and the entire thing turned into wall art. Once that was decided, time and whimsy got taken over by other things and the letters sat. And sat. And sat.
So tonight, for thing-a-day, I decided I felt like collaging. I started rummaging about my craft room looking for things to make collaged ACEOs with. But it felt all wrong, nothing was calling my name. That's when I saw these letters and knew their time had come!
By the time I was starting to get tired, the box had progressed to here:

I took a break to place the letters in it and discovered (surprise!) that I was done! The letters take up enough room that collaging it further would lose the effect.

Now I have a choice--to permanently affix the letters (so they can "float" as shown) or simply set them in. Right now my preference is to affix them, but I'm going to have to do some research on the best method. The letters are solid metal and pretty heavy, so I'm not sure there is an epoxy heavy duty enough. The letters were initially tied in place with a thin string passed through holes in the back of the box, so plan two is to find some cording and either use those same holes or drill more.
I had so much fun ripping up paper (and uh, so much ripped paper left!), that I think I may use the technique to make some ACEOs tomorrow. :)

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