So I have been on the hunt--searching high and low, for a very long time, to find the message that would be *just right*. Because I am very picky about the sentiments that go on my cards. I don't want the "usual". "With Sympathy" or "Happy Birthday" just don't seem special enough for the precious people in your life. On the other hand, some sayings are so overblown as to be insincere. Copious mentions of religion are something I try to avoid, so that rules out a whole 'nother category. And then of course, there is the small matter of not violating copyright rules. Oh boy.
My first 3 or 4 full on searches were so fruitless that I finally went into "standby" mode. Meaning everytime I was looking for something else, I would look for sympathy messages as well. And, finally, I found that sentiment that struck just the right cord. Not insincere, not overly preachy, not forcibly happy, not gag-me mush, but simple, sweet, heartfelt, compassionate, and understanding.
Today I listed the first of my cards with the new message.

It reads "When someone you love becomes a memory, a memory becomes a treasure."
Very sweet. It's perfect.