UniqueLook |
One thing being married has taught me...men's clothes are boooring. Blue polo shirt. Green polo shirt. Kahki slacks. Black slacks. Yawn. I admit I often envy my husband for the ease he has in interpreting dress codes (if anyone wants to clearly and simply define "buisness casual" for women, I am ALL ears), but I certainly don't mind the plethora of options I have in color, material, drape, and style when trying to find something that fits *just so*.
So in this world of cookie-cutter men's clothes, I am always excited to find sellers who make beautiful, colorful, and (most importantly) wearable designs for men. And UniqueLook made me deliriously happy. Color! Form! Painting! Silk on Ties! And options I might have a prayer of talking my husband into!
Each of UniqueLook's silk ties features a handpainted design. The colors and patterns range from bold to subtle but always they are meticulously crafted and breathtaking.
The first image below is one of my favorite designs, a loosely organized web of squares vaguely reminiscent of a city skyline or (for my more nerd-ily inclined friends) a circuit board layout. The strong white line carries your eye through out the tie while the small squares create little resting spots that invite you to examine the design a bit more fully. From a practical standpoint, this tie is conservative enough not to scare anyone off and the cool, calm colors would work well with the classic light blue button down buisness shirt and slacks. This is an artisan tie for people who would poo-poo artisan goods as being too frilly or otherwise out of their comfort zone.

For those who do enjoy bold designs that make a large statement, UniqueLook also has you covered. The second image shows how seamlessly her shop spans that stylistic gap. From an artistic vantage, the layering of colors and the play of color, texture, and depth that results makes this combination frame-worthy. From a fashion focused point of view, this tie is sure to be the star of the outfit. Framed against a dark jacket, this tie would ensure that you stand out (for a good reason!) at that buisness lunch or important meeting. Or simply ensure you can find yourself in the wedding photos. ; )

If you are looking for a way to add a bit of punch to your business wardrobe, or are trying to find something special to gift that hard-to-shop-for guy in your life, I suggest taking a good look at UniqueLook. It's a gift that's sure to be used and a tie that is sure to be noticed. It's also a great way to introduce the joys of owning handmade, artisan goods to someone who may never have thought of themselves as an "indie" kinda person.
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