
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Now is the Time to Prepare for the Winter Rush!

Those Etsyians looking for ideas (or just a little support) to improve their shop should head right over here to Christina Perdue's blog. Not only is she a fabulous Etsy seller, she is in the middle of a 30 day challenge to improve your shop. Each day she posts a challenge for the day along with explanations and examples.

This would be a great starting point for newbies but even established sellers can always benefit from fresh eyes and a little motivation.

Her posts are very thorough and easily read-ible. Her idea of what is easily do-able in one day could be rather daunting if you have a lot of items in your shop or a full time job, BUT the beauty of her system is that you can do it whenever you have the time.

Even if you think your shop is super-fabulously up-to-snuff, it's still worth a read to see if she comes up with anything you missed. Or simply as reassurance that all is wonderful. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:34 AM

    oo, thanks for the heads up!!
    That looks really interesting! (not to mention useful!)
