Anyway, today was a big day for FAE. First and foremost-- OUR WEBSITE IS LIVE! *hops up and down* We have our very own, shiny and new, website! A HUGE thank you goes out to Sarah Pittman of artca. She conceived and built this website and I am just tickled pink by it.
She has some BIG plans for the site, but already she has set up a mailing list (if you join it you not only get the latest FAE news each month, but you are entered into periodic drawings for art by FAE members!) You can also shop by categories within FAE, get more info on our members, see how to join, get buttons to link back to us with, and more. Click the banner below to see the awesome. : )

Secondly, today voting went up for the second ever FAE contest! The theme for the contest was "Fairies" so members had a lot of freedom with this contest. You can drool over the gorgeous entries and (if you can choose a favorite) vote for your favorite HERE. Due to my work schedule and various group commitments, I wasn't able to get my entry finished in time. Boo. I will still finish it and list it in the shop though--someday. Lol.
Great blog, -- eye catching, informative, etc. Found you in the forums under Etsian Blogs, and I will add a link to your blog on mine.
As if you weren't busy enough, I tagged you. Geesh, now I feel bad. If you do have time to participate, the details are at my blog. =)