My day began with the lovely sight of these two *finally* getting along! Hooray!

After some time bumming around on the computer and catching up on post secret I headed out to the kitchen for lunch. Lunch was frozen pizza my hubby had made for dinner on Saturday, but I'd been feeling so ill I skipped dinner and went straight to bed. While I ate I read some in a book my boss lent me.

Now this is the stuff they never teach you in school. You know, the useful stuff. ; )
I read for a good long while because Jack had curled up on my lap and a sleeping kitten is an excellent reason to stay right where you are. ^_^
Eventually, I headed into my craft room to get started on more new cards when I realized...I had lost my floss and needed to get more. Since my hubby was napping, I took a trip to Michael's solo. I ended up spending about two hours wandering through the store, getting acquainted (I hadn't been in to check it out since we moved here). Luckily for me, they were having sales on all the expensive stuff, and I ended up with this beauty for 50% off!

It's an expanding file folder (that just happens to match my shop colors!). I've been looking for a better solution for holding my bits and pieces of paper. Right now I have them in a manila envelope. But not only can I not see what's in there without dragging everything out, but the pieces get bent! With this guy, I can organize by color, size, etc. Yay!
Finally, I finished up the day by creating some samples for a potential wholesale order! I'm very excited about this as the website is gorgeous and I think it's a really good fit for my cards. Hopefully all will work out and it will be profitable and fun for the both of us. ^_^

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