
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Holy Bananas! A Busy Day.

Lots to say today! ^_^ And some I will leave off until tomorrow, when I can get the pictures to post it up right.

But for today...

Item #1-- I listed a new card today. We'll see how the views on this one do. I'm hesitant to say this is entirely due to the slow down on etsy because the pictures for these last couple of items have not been my best. Either way, hopefully traffic will pick up a bit. I plan on photographing a ton of stuff this weekend so I can list, list, list merrily away.

This card features one of my new stamps! This one reads "Love and imagination do many things". So very true. For such a wide variety of situations. Know someone who is opening their own business? Tackling something new and a bit intimidating? Are you in a long distance relationship? Do you know someone who needs a bit of inspiration? This card does all that and more! (It slices, it dices... ; )

Item #2-- I have quite possibly the world's cutest kittens EVER. Seriously, can you even quantify the cute seen below? I don't think so. : )

Item #3-- Today my hubby and I wandered around downtown to check out the event I will be selling at in July and September. Boy did I luck out! Tons of people--but it doesn't feel crowded. Very laid back, strolling pace. People waving and chatting and kids running around barefoot. The weather was gorgeous tonight, I don't know if I will be so lucky on my days, but I can hope! I took several pictures, click on the image below if you want to see more of them. : )